Hello Women of GOD,
Thus said the Lord give thanks to the women that walk the path before
you and with you. HIS mercy is poured out daily.
MY women will go farther than ever SHE WILL GO TO THE NEXT LEVELS IN
was suppose to thank all of you for being in life but GOD had something
Prophesy 7-13-08
My people are to come out of their safety zone. The building is not my church. The people are my church. The buildings (the building structure)are making people weak. The unsaved are not being saved fast enough. The hungry is starving for My Word. Satan has put his demonic forces to work. There is a dark cloud over the U.S.A and several places in the world. My eyes are being closed to the evils deeds. My ears are closed to the wicked ones. Satan and his army are devastating and destroying the unsaved person for a season. MUCH PRAYER AND MUCH INTERCESSION IS NEEDED IN THIS SEASON ! GO NORTH,SOUTH,EAST,AND WEST TO PREACH MY WORD MY CHURCH MUST GO TO THE PEOPLE AND PREACH MY WORD NOT A WATERED DOWN VERSION OF MY WORD! GO AND DO MY WORK. MY WORD IS TRUTH AND TRUTH IS THE LIGHT. RECEIVE THIS PROPHESY IN MY NAME SAITH THE LORD MY GOD.
# 2
3:30 PM
Feed my sheep and feed not the hungry the lost,the sick,and the needy. MY CHURCH IS LAZY IN YOUR DUTIES SITTING IN YOUR PEWS PRAISING ME IN RELIGION. Worship Me in the fullness of My church. GO AND DO YOUR DUTIES. SAITH THE LORD, MY LORD, MY GOD.

A Word for 2009
The year of The Spirit
"Fresh outpouring of the Holy Ghost"
Apostle Elisa Velasquez, spoken by.
To the Chosen Elect please step forward.
Says the Lord of Hosts
I AM going to teach you by the spirit.
I AM going to lead you by My Spirit.
No other voice shall you follow. No not mans voice.
I tell you the truth man cry's; "Breakthrough!" Man cry's; "Breakthrough!"
Do you not know that thou shall be broken and thou must be of a contrite heart?
And you say; "Ah Lord, I need, I need thy hand!" And thou knowest not thou Me.
I tell you the truth you do not pray. Thou slacker. Yes, I speak harsh, but I cannot hear thee. I stand in faith. Faith is thou to stand. Be not tossed to and fro with every wind and doctrine. You do not pray. So you cannot hear My spirit speak. I AM spirit. Come to Me in spirit and in truth, thou must worship Me and not man. I speak to you as my Elders and Chosen elect. I speak to you with a firm hand.
Thou no longer tarries. Thou is weary, and fooled by the natural mouth of man. Draw strength through prayer only. Have my people forgotten to pray? My people that are called by my name no longer in a humble state. How then? How then can I use thee? Why do you not tarry? You are weak. I AM strong. You are weak for the lack of prayer.
Thou wait for a promise that I never promised thee to thine own heart. You cannot have all of life's pleasures as man says, you have what I give you. Seek Me first and all of my righteousness and all will be given to thee. Desire My eternal gifts. Pray. I AM holy!
You use to cry out; "Lord, I love thee!" And now you cry out; "Lord, I need thee." Do you not know that I have supplied all things that thou needest? You are weary. Why? For you seek not my face. You have no faith. Because you do not pray. Pray.
Where's is thy faith? Ah you are weak. Why do you not pray? As I have prescribed to thee? I AM. You use to come to me in the mid night hours, Oh and how I enjoyed thee. And now I wait and wait and thou ignore Me. And yet you cry; "Lord I need thee, I need thee!" Indeed. You do not trust Me and you do not believe Me. I tell you the truth you know my name and my hand but can you in-vision My face and feel My heart? I AM here alway. Can you hear my voice speaking to you now? Indeed.
I tell you the truth, My spirit comes like a mighty rushing wind and blow away many things, down to bareness. You see I humble My own in whom obeys and submits to Me and not mammon. Oh be not confused and fret not I know what you need and what not.
I have tested thee and have found many unready by Me. Fret not and yet as I please I will take care of thee. Spirit arise! Church arise! Pray!
Desire Me. I come to thee now and have made it clear of what I need of thee. Pray. Come and spent time with Me. Not 1,2,3 or A,B,C for only the religious repeat and recite and it is how it sounds to Me. But love Me and adore Me. Me. Ask Me; "How art thou Lord?" "Oh how I love thee Lord!" I love you my child. You know I do.
Let me anoint thee. Let Me fill thy cup.
Do not give to rouge and robbers for they entered by the door of your mind and not your heart. For they are thief's! For such a kind I spew. I will take from them what I did not give, the kingdoms I did not build. Do you love Me? I chasten My own. Do not be surprised at this.
Look up ahead! What do you see? My lost sheep! But I cannot send them to thee for you are not anointed of such a kind. Only I anoint, man appoints. I AM bringing order. My Spirit blows such winds as they come strong, Fresh winds of truth. I shall set you free and heal thee! It is time to focus on Me. It is time to worship Me. It is time to prepare thee. It is time for you to fear Me. Bow before Me, worship and adore Me. I will not share My Glory with any. I AM.
Says the Lord of Hosts.
11.20.08, 2009
Peace be Still,
Elisa Velasquez, Apostle
p.s You are welcome to copy and paste and use this blog for yourself, but respectfully respect the writers time and prayer time whom it has taken hours to write, use the writers name when reposting and sharing a blog. Amen.
This is to My bride
I heard GOD say, "Check your status with Me.
Are your in My will for your life
or are you in your will for your life."
I've been hearing GOD talking about His beloved bride:
My beloved, I am sending correction to My bride
When I send you out to bring in the other parts of the body,
you're NOT to use the words
"You're called to be" or "you're called as."
You are to address the exact part of the body
that the person will be doing.
Yes they will run but they will know where to run back to
when it is time for guidance.
They shall know their spiritual mothers and fathers without doubts. Embrace them, mothers and fathers.
2 "Play time is over for My Prophets
Speak My word when I say speak.
Prophets I called you out to call the body into order.
The Prophets with the mandate to start School Of Prophets
let the dream die then I, your Father will bring life to it.
I will bring the people to you.
These are scriptures the Father said to share with this word
Romans 12;4-8 NKJV
1 Corinthians 12:12-31 NKJV
James 3:5-6, 9-10 and 13 NKJV